Wed, Jun 03, 2015 7:23 PM in Classroom management
I also have Harry Wong's book. I attended his seminar when I first began teaching and I HAD to get the book. He made it look so easy. It is very possible to change a child's behavior with your management of the classroom. Set clear expectations and don't accept anything less. I have had some very challenging students this year, yet I have not had any office referrals. It takes a lot of patience an...
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Wed, Jun 03, 2015 7:04 PM in Including Parents
I love including parents in the work that we do in the classroom. I have a classroom website that is accessible to students and parents from home. A few of the items included is a sub-page for parents with articles to help their children be successful, not only inschool, but also in life. I host class events outside the classroom about once each month to build community. Parents must attend with t...
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Tue, Jun 02, 2015 10:51 PM in Use the textbook a lot?
We do not use textbooks. Instead, there are a variety of hands-on materials to follow-up with the lesson, student research, reading articles or books on topic. Our last activity for the school year was having small groups (students: grades 4,5,and 6) build a working trebuchet (using a counterweight, designing the throwing arm, deciding on a projectile, etc., and demonstrating for distance and accu...
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