Outdoor Classrooms -- Planning Makes Perfect
Wed, Mar 26, 2014 7:48 PM
Outdoor Classrooms article is inspiring!
I have just read Sarah Haines article, Outdoor Classroom – Planning Makes Perfect and am inspired to put a team together and create an outdoor classroom at my school. Ms. Haines did a great job of explaining that an “outdoor classroom can foster many kinds of active learning across the curriculum…” an important component for whole-school support. She also shared that one can be created even in urban areas with planters, hanging feeders or on a rooftop. She gave the great suggestion, which I had not thought about, to be sure to check, when getting administrative approval and support, to be sure that the planned area is not being considered for future construction!
One obvious stumbling block for so many projects of this type is funding. Ms. Haines provided some great tips to find local, community and parent support / funding for outdoor classrooms. This has the added advantage of providing all-important buy-in. When the parents and neighbors help plant and pay for the gardens, they stand a much greater chance of being maintained.
If you start with a well thought-out plan, include administration, faculty, students and the community; a great outdoor classroom can become a vital part of any school.