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- Public Collections
Recent Public Collections by Laura
Animals and their habitats
Resources based on activities and teachings of animals and habitats. Provides examples of hands on activities like having an animal in the classroom and having a personal garden. Provides information both for teachers and students.
6 Resources
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- Forum Posts
Recent Posts by Laura
Wed, Apr 20, 2016 12:17 AM in Combining Science with Art
You can explore gravity through art!!!!! i found a great activity that maybe you would like to use!!
it's a simple yet fun activity where the kids get to splash paint on to the paper by dropping a pompom covered in paint from a small step stool. they get to observe what happens and how gravity forces the pompom to the floor and the effect...
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Wed, Apr 20, 2016 12:04 AM in Phases of the Moon
I know this might be a little to simple but when you involve food some how students really like it and really learn. I don't know if you have already seen and maybe you are looking for something else but the Oreo cookie activity always works. By using the icing as the moon you can have the students take away the amount that is needed to create each phase of the moon and then they can eat their coo...
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- Reviews
Recent Reviews by Laura
Plant and Animal Interdependence Collection
Tue, Apr 19, 2016 11:56 PM
great collection
this collection has a variety of articles that pertain to different aspects while still supporting each other in teaching students about plants and animals. It has a journal on assessing students' ideas which can sometimes be hard since its based on their ideas. it also has an article consisting of how to connect children to their world which sometimes can be a difficult task when we get stuck behind four walls. over all this collection is very help full even including a podcast.
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