Thu, Apr 20, 2017 9:24 AM in Safety Rules
I forgot to mention! I have a rule in my classroom that the other labs don't necessarily have: the students don't touch anything unless I tell them it's safe. Just in case... I teach in a Lab, so there is a lot of mischief they can get into if they get their hands on supplies they shouldn't have.
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Thu, Apr 20, 2017 9:22 AM in Safety Rules
We have a "Science Safety contract which all students must "sign" at the beginning of the year. here's the wording:
I will…
1. act responsibly at all times.
2. wear goggles to protect my eyes.
3. wear protective clothing (gloves, apron, etc.)
when necessary.
4. not eat or drink in the lab unless my teacher
tells me to.
5. smell chemicals by practicing the technique of
6. foll...
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Thu, Apr 20, 2017 9:10 AM in Class Pet
I run the Science Lab at my school (grades K-4) and have all the on-campus animals. In the lab, we have two red-eared sliders, a russian tortoise, a rabbit, and a chinchilla. All of them except the chinchilla are very friendly. Our beautiful cockatiel and leopard gecko passed away this year, but I am planning on getting another reptile and bird in our lab again, because it really helps when we ...
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