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Fri, Dec 09, 2016 1:52 AM in Magnets
I just taught a lesson with magnets. I had the students in their groups with magnetic wands. We were looking for the objects that were magnetic and non-magnetic. Each student had to search for one object and discuss with their group whether it was magnetic or non-magnetic. Having one wand per table will help with them fighting over all the objects.
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Fri, Dec 09, 2016 1:50 AM in Science Notebooks
In the class that I am student teaching in we have science journals. I think they are great! They do require time and effort but the kids seem to enjoy and are learning from them. We try to plan for the amount of time we think its going to take our kids to cut and paste. A lot of foldable are great for science journals.
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Fri, Dec 09, 2016 1:42 AM in Computers in the Classroom
I am a student teacher, so far all I have seen for science in the classroom is Brain Pop. Last year I was in a classroom where the teacher would put up a website where the students could go up to the computer and write their answer to the major question she had that morning. It allowed you to edit the different views of the website as well. Unfortunately, I have been trying to think of which one i...
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