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Mon, Feb 03, 2020 11:09 PM in Field Trips
I think the idea of field trips has a ring to it, however, I worry about the effectivness of field trips. Personally, I cannot recall a single fact that I learned on any feild trips as a child but I can recall some of the other children I consistantly sat on the bus rides with. Someone else had mentioned the idea of virtual field trips and this is an idea that I look forward to considering more a...
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Mon, Feb 03, 2020 11:03 PM in Assessing without Interruption
Hello! I am a preservice teacher about to enter internship, the thought of project based learning and allowing my future studnets is wonderful. I am a proponant of hands on learning and I think allowing studnets to learn through (Guided) self-discovery is a great way to engage and promote joy in the science classroom. However, I do think it will be a struggle for me to remain... nuetral? Uninflue...
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