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Sun, Jan 29, 2023 1:30 PM in Balancing school and work
Hey there Lizbeth, I hope things by now have turned around or you have gained a little clarity. I am a current student for UTRGV as well and I recently let go of my stable job to focus full time on school. I think I know what you may have been feeling. It was hard to balance both things at once and for me, it was best to decide to focus on school. I'm an overthinker and suffer from a few ment...
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Sun, Jan 29, 2023 1:12 PM in Maintaining Interest
A doubt that I have coming in to teaching is that I will have trouble maintaining the interest of the classroom in the lesson. This, perhaps, comes from the fact that I had trouble maintaining interest with my science teachers in elementary. Is there any tactics I should be aware of that are a standar form of practice when teaching elementary learners? Is there any other resources I could be invo...
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