Sun, Nov 04, 2012 8:28 PM in Teaching Cell Parts in a "fun way"?
I haven't done a cell model since my first year as a teacher. I feel better prepared in introducing this activity back because it's a great way to engage the kinesthetic learners in an abstract unit. I do like Nancy's idea of using the candy 3D model, since it is something that the kids could easily do after Halloween! I have had students make a key where they describe the different parts of the c...
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Tue, Oct 23, 2012 6:03 PM in Use of Scipacks in teaching
The sci packs obviously offer a wealth of knowledge and scaffold it logically. I really liked the Science and Food Safety" Sci packet and have been struggling with how to implement it into my "Cell unit" that I begin this week. I have my students do a pathogen research Glog poster (an on-line virtual poster) and this sci guide offers great resources for me to pull out, especially the section on ha...
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Wed, Oct 17, 2012 9:57 PM in Living vs. Non living
Our school is focusing on argumentative writing. I used the NSTA web site lesson book and adapted one of the activities to create an activity where students argued on whether "Fire Bob" is living or non-living. I provided information on this "new scientific discovery" and asked student to make a claim. They also backed up their claim with evidence, not opinion, from the given information. I had st...
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