Mon, Apr 20, 2020 11:00 PM in Student Teaching Advice
The "give me 5" technique is very usefful to gain their attention. As a student teacher make sure you know what all your teacher expects out of the students on a regular basis. This will help you enforce the same ground rules that way the students understand that you expect the same out of them. Your teacher will also have a lot of tips specifically for tha class. Each class reacts diff...
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Mon, Apr 20, 2020 10:46 PM in Classroom Setup
I have seen a lot of books that always suggest for the first few weeks of school to have all of the desk facing the front of the class. This helps to elimate a lot of early on problems. This also gives the students time to adjust to your way of teaching. After that I prefer groups of 2-4 depending on your classroom space. This way you can allow for a lot of group work if you prefer that style....
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Mon, Apr 20, 2020 10:11 PM in Assessing Inquiry Without Checking Notebooks
If you wanted to asses all of the students each day you could include it as an exit ticket. You can either have them rewrite a summary or give them a question to answer that should already be answered in their notebook. When grading I would only look to see if they have the key item you are looking for, and of course see if they are completely off track with what you did in the lab. It is hard to...
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