Mon, Jan 16, 2017 5:51 PM in First Day of School Science Activities
I enjoyed reading many different methods you all have come up with for first day activities. As a teacher I believe it is imperative to make an attempt at simultaneously breaking the ice so that students are comfortable with each other while at the same time subtly getting a feel for particular students that may have to make accommodations or adaptations for. Every student has various methods that...
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Mon, Jan 16, 2017 5:46 PM in Weather and Elementary
I have read many of the brilliant ideas through the the replies hear on this post. There are so many ways to implement weather and the outdoors into the curriculum and I believe it is imperative to correlate it with the significance of the environment. I believe children should be taught even at a young age how we as humans greatly impact weather and nature in general. Pollution from both exhaust ...
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Mon, Jan 16, 2017 5:33 PM in Gardening at school with young children
I believe gardening is excellent for students of all ages as it is a process where they get to see how their hard work indicates progression with each day that passes. They witness life being created in front of them and although some of them may not totally grasp the extensive weight of that concept they can use all of their senses to fulfill instinctive desires that technology would not be able ...
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