Thu, Apr 12, 2012 8:32 PM in Making Science FUN!
I totally agree with Joachim that the teacher's attitude about a subject influences how students perceive it. I love math and I've heard my first graders say they love math because if you're enthused about something, you'll approach it differently. Science is the same way. Being in elementary, I try to make science lessons relevant and fun. I'll be going into a second grade classroom to do a s...
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Mon, Mar 26, 2012 4:29 PM in Nutrition
Hi Evelyn,
That's a great idea to do the "go, slow, whoa" activity with the five food groups and I like the idea of tying in a physical activity to help kids make that connection to which are the best healthy food choices.
Best wishes with your lessons!
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Sun, Mar 25, 2012 1:17 AM in Hawaii and Coral Reef Systems
Hi to Those in Hawaii!
Today my son went to a birthday party and it was at a wonderful live resource for those studying the coral reef and marine life here. It is the Living Art Marine Center located near the airport and Monday-Friday they take school groups for a great educational experience. They offer programs for preschool through high school and can accommodate up to 200 people at $5 a stu...
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