Fri, Oct 23, 2015 8:13 PM in Water Testing
I am also very interested in this topic and safe water. I am currently writing a 2 week unit plan for a group of students to test water from their homes and school and then to create a water purification system. Any ideas for water testing and water testing kits? Also, has anyone ever done anything like this? If so, I would really appreciate any pointers. Thanks!
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Fri, Oct 23, 2015 8:10 PM in Science Notebook
I also love the idea of a science notebook. One idea for a younger grade to get them used to the idea could be to create the pages for them and print them out and then bind them to create a makeshift notebook for the kids. Then, you could transition them into using a real notebook once they are used to the formatting and the idea of making observations using a notebook.
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Fri, Oct 16, 2015 3:55 PM in Science at Home?
I think that science at home can definitely be a realistic expectation for students. There are so many easy things that you can have your students do that require very little effort, time, and supplies. One idea would be to have students collect and bring in samples from their homes, backyards, or neighborhoods to test in class. You could do things like rocks, soil, leaves, water, etc. Anoth...
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