Thu, May 08, 2014 5:22 PM in Science Notebook
I think one way to make grading easier would be to have the students complete a self reflection. Not only will this help you see what they students learned while reading one paper, not all of them, it will motivate the students to self reflect. Consider asking the students to answer some questions about science and what they want to learn about this years topics and then asking them to reflect ans...
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Thu, May 08, 2014 5:18 PM in Any advice on projecting authority?
Hi Samantha! I also look quite young and sometimes feel small around my 5th graders at my student teaching placement. One of my professors gave our class advice that has stuck with me through the last few years, bring things with you that make you feel great. My professor always brought her lipstick because it made her feel professional, pretty, and confident, so when she was feeling down her stud...
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Thu, May 08, 2014 5:13 PM in Technology in the classroom
Hi Hailee, I also worry about this issue! In my current placement (5th grade) I have caught a few students off task on their ipads, but it was much less that I anticipated. I think one key aspect of using ipads is that students must be held accountable for their time spent using technology. Unfortunately as a substitute teacher we don't have as many opportunities to monitor student work and discip...
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