Thu, Nov 07, 2019 7:56 AM in Creating a lesson for children with mental disabilities
Hi Tamera, when I did my lessons for my special needs classes, I used a lot of classroom communication devices to give a voice for those kids that couldn't speak. Many of these students have a DynaVox communication device that you can add words, phrases, and sentences for them. Also, I used a lot of BIGmack switches that you can just record the words or phrases that you want the students to k...
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Sun, Nov 03, 2019 3:48 PM in Lower Elementary Science
Alyssa, I once worked with a teacher who brought science into her class by making all of her class trips science-based, so we went to the local community garden and were allowed to plant flowers there, we went to the farm, and the aquarium as well. After each trip, we would do an activity around that trip and the teacher would incorporate the trips into whatever lessons she was teaching for the w...
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Tue, Oct 15, 2019 2:19 PM in Gardening at school with young children
Hi Peggy, I would maybe start it in the Spring. You could spend these months asking other teachers in the school to take a vote among students to see what you should plant. Kids like having a say so, it might give you more ideas and get others in the school more involved (if that's what you want).
Happy planting and growing!
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