Wed, Nov 03, 2021 5:31 PM in Advice on Becoming a Teacher
Hi Gloria, As a pre-service teacher, my peers and I are presenting over various ways for teachers to be less hard on themselves in the first few years of teaching. First and foremost, don’t try to do everything. You will be overwhelmed and more likely to leave the profession. “Pick your battles” and don’t waste time and energy on ones that you simply just want to. Second, have a mentor tea...
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Wed, Nov 03, 2021 5:14 PM in How to Use NGSS in the Classroom
Hi Amy, I have often thought about how I too would want to make sure students are covering the standards for their grade in the classroom, while not “teaching to the standard.” I have thought about making the topic arrangements, such as matter, energy, or motion and stability, each big units, and within those, I would focus on the standards that align underneath them. The standards do a ph...
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Wed, Nov 03, 2021 4:57 PM in STEM in PLCs
Hi Claire,
I am also a preservice teacher, getting ready to student teach in a few semesters. In my Reading Methods course, we have PLC groups that meet every week and complete a task. Even though this focus is on reading solely, I think STEAM could be incorporated somewhat easily. If you are solely a science teacher and working with other teachers, or teach in the general classroom, you could...
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