Sun, Apr 15, 2018 12:07 PM in Incorporating Science in a Language Arts Classroom
Hi all!
I am a student teacher in a Kindergarten one way dual language language arts classroom. Since we are dual language, my mentor teacher and I only teach in Spanish. I have noticed that my mentor teacher and partner teacher do not teach much science because of time constraints. What are some great ways to incorporate science in language arts (besides the non-fiction unit)? As well as resou...
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Sun, Apr 15, 2018 11:45 AM in Teaching Plant Characteristics
Hi Jannet!
I am currently in a Kindergarten classroom and have to teach a science lesson for my University science class. I too am planning to teach the parts of the plants. What I am working on doing is having my students explore the plants and I will have a song ( ' target="_blank"> " target="_blank"> ' tar...
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Sun, Apr 15, 2018 11:35 AM in classroom management during experiments
When performing experiments in the classroom, what are some strategies and or methods that will help maintain appropriate classroom behavior?
Hi Selena,
One strategy that you can use is to set up the scene for the experiment. If they will be using scientific tools it would be a great way to let them know that those are tools that scientists use. This will make them feel as scientists...
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