Fri, Dec 11, 2015 2:46 PM in Guide teacher hasn't shifted to NGSS
I am currently student teaching in the 6th grade. My students do experience science every day, but their teachers haven't shifted to the new NGSS standards. Does anyone have any tips on how to bring up/talk about this topic with my guide teacher?
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Fri, Dec 11, 2015 2:40 PM in How do you take science home?
A great way to take science home is for students to track their water usage. Attached is a great graph in which students can record the number of times they use something and calculate how much water they use in a week. Great for conservation and human impact lessons!
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Fri, Dec 11, 2015 2:34 PM in Kindergarten activities
[table][tr][td] [/td]
[tr][td] Students who demonstrate understanding can:
K-ESS3-1. Use a model to represent the relationship between the needs of different plants or animals (including humans) and the places they live. [Clarification Statement: Examples of relationships could include that deer eat buds and leaves, therefore, they usually live in [/td]
[tr][td] forested area...
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