Outdoor Integration
Wed, Mar 30, 2016 10:41 PM
Let's Connect!
I found this article to be quite informative. Tatarchuk and Eick provided creative ways to integrate science and language arts. I like how they provided a chart to show how similar processing terms are used in both science and language arts and how they used writing to connect the two. A writing rubric, graphic organizer, and an author's purpose assignment was used to connect the writing. I would be interested in using these tools in my own classroom. They would all be helpful in guiding the students when making inquiries, as well as useful for the teacher when assessing the writing and observations. The charts provided would be very useful for any teacher looking to connect science inquiry and reading skills. Research provided by the authors confirmed the necessity of connecting reading, science, and ecology skills. What a great way to integrate and connect skills from across the curriculum!