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Recent Reviews by Jessica
Guest Editorial: Inquiry Is Essential
Mon, May 04, 2015 8:05 PM
Review for Science Methods Class
This was a very interesting and insightful article. Dr. Bybee provides excellent information that teachers can use to make their classroom lessons more student oriented and less teacher directed. Dr. Bybee provides a schema that is an excellent tool to use while writing or revising a lesson plan.
Sizing Up the Solar System
Wed, Dec 03, 2014 1:38 PM
“Sizing up The Solar System” Review
When teaching students (of any age) about the solar system the first thing that comes to mind is the use of models and of graphic organizers. However, not all students will know how to read and learn from a model. So, how do you teach students to read and understand models? Well, this article is a great resource! With engaging activities and assessments, this article is easy to follow and offers great instruction on how to explain and teach models to students. The authors of this article provide clear and precise explanations. It also provides ideas on how to implement the information and activities into a classroom and into lessons. This article makes it easy to execute and/ or evaluate a proper solar system model that can be easily used to teach students in a way they will understand and learn from.
How Does Force Affect Motion?
Wed, Dec 03, 2014 1:34 PM
“How Does Force Affect Motion?” Review
To best teach students a teacher must first know what the student understands and what misconceptions they may have on a topic. It is very important to have several quality recommendations on hand when explaining something new to students. Having quality recommendations is also a great way to move students to a deeper understanding. There are many recommendations within this article. It is a great resource to find ideas that will help further students understanding of a concept. This article is extremely helpful when trying to identify the misconceptions that students have when they walk into your classroom. This article offers a formative assessment that teachers can use to assess what the students have learned about force, motion, friction, and gravity. This article gives a very precise way to teach the forces that affect motion.
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