Sun, Feb 26, 2023 10:06 PM in Engagment
Something I have struggled with is finding more hands-on activities for my kids when learning about earth and space science. We have made models during our solar system units, but I was trying to think of more engaging activities during our landform and rock cycle units.
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Sun, Feb 26, 2023 10:04 PM in New teachers and STEM
I agree that you should ask about the implententation of STEM within your school. I know that a lot of schools will hold parent nights that invite parents and students to a night of STEM activites. I also think it would be great to ask about overlapping. There is so much that is taught in both science and ELA that overlap with each other.
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Sun, Feb 26, 2023 10:03 PM in New teachers and STEM
I agree that you should ask about the implententation of STEM within your school. I know that a lot of schools will hold parent nights that invite parents and students to a night of STEM activites. I also think it would be great to ask about overlapping. There is so much that is taught in both science and ELA that overlap with each other.
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