The Center for Gifted Studies_November 2024
  • Marie Lichte

    Marie Lichte


My NSTA / Peers / Marie Lichte

I am an outdoors-loving person. I enjoy camping, hiking, biking, fishing, and most outdoors sports. I also love to create. I enjoy crafting on many levels in various areas: beading, sewing, paper crafting, sculpting, and the like. I have just completed a week-long iSTEM conference where I was introduced to coding. I found it fascinating and super fun! I can't wait to implement what I learned into my curriculum. I look forward to a wonderful week in Pittsburgh learning new and exciting ways to "spark" the passion for science in my students!

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Onyx Commenter Pearl Commenter NSTA Resource Activator NSTA Resource Optimizer NSTA Resource Accelerator
MEMTA Acceptance