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- Public Collections
Recent Public Collections by Onedy
Ecosystems - Rainforests
This collection will give all the necessary components to get information on organisms that live in the Rainforests and what the ecosystem is like.
10 Resources
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- Forum Posts
Recent Posts by Onedy
Sat, Nov 29, 2014 1:32 PM in STEAM family night, theme ideas?
So excited to use some of the STEM ideas I found on Pinterest, I find that they are very useful and can be very educational and engaging for students.
THANKS!! :0)
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Sat, Nov 29, 2014 1:29 PM in Jigsaw Activites-Effective or Ineffective
Perhaps assigning specific jobs within each group will help with its effectiveness. Generally group work can lead to slacking and copying off others but if you give each person a job that they are responsible for that might help. Also, giving a group and individual grade for their contributions might help as well.
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Sat, Nov 29, 2014 1:27 PM in TED ED lessons about cool and creepy bugs
I loved this blog and was so excited to be able to share it with my five year old daughter which was talking about Bee's with me just the other day. Some kids find bugs creeyy and gross and some find them fascinating. This TED ED blog is a great resource to be able to show students the importance of bugs and some fun facts that may be gross but good to know. I cannot believe that over 2 BILLION p...
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- Reviews
Recent Reviews by Onedy
Gabrielle's Collection
Sun, Dec 07, 2014 4:07 PM
Collection Review
I chose to review Gabrielle’s collection because I know that she had a similar topic to mine for the Field Assignment’s 4 & 5 and that it would be a great resource to look into to add onto my own collection on Biomes. Gabrielle has a variety of resources focusing on Biomes at the elementary level. Her collection included a variety of resources that I had already included in my own, which was focused on the Rain Forest Biome while hers focuses on the Deserts. I like how she had resources in there that give great lesson ideas that include creativity such as the “Biome is where the Art is”. This resource gives low grade, teacher and student friendly activities that will engage students in the topic of Biomes. She had articles that focused specifically on Deserts and others that had to do with Inquiry lesson planning which are very helpful. I also enjoyed the article titled “Travel Without Leaving The Classroom”, this article gave great ideas on how we can take the children on “field trips” inside the classroom that will educate them on the Biomes of the world. All in all her collection was well rounded and I enjoyed the articles and resources and was able to broaden my own collection thanks to the great resources she added onto hers.
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