Sat, Nov 08, 2014 9:14 PM in How to handle student's questions?
Hey Ryan,
That is a good question you have about discipline. I know from my experience as a teacher and a father that sometimes it is unavoidable that you will feelings, but it is important that you are consistent with what you tell them is going to happen when they do something inappropriate or act disruptive. You have to follow through with whatever discipline that you are going to assign regar...
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Fri, Oct 31, 2014 10:05 PM in Teaching About the Concept of Space and Solar System in K-2
Hi Ashley,
I think that is interesting as well. I don't have too much classroom experience with that, but I know that when my oldest son was about two and a half, he started asking questions like "Why is it cold outside?". This led into us talking about the seasons and that led to more questions about the Earth and the sun. Over the next couple of years he has learned about our place in space. I ...
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Sat, Oct 25, 2014 12:15 AM in How to handle student's questions?
Hi Brittany,
I know that we are at the same level, but I know from my experience as a substitute teacher that there are plenty of times that I don't know the answers to questions. I don't have a problem letting the students know that I don't know either. Sometimes they think it's funny that a teacher doesn't know the answer, but I usually tell them that I am in school too and that I am learning n...
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