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Sat, Feb 25, 2023 1:45 PM in Advice for creating trust between parents and teachers
Hello, Abigail!
I think that you bring up good points about creating trust between parents and the teachers. I am not a teacher yet but the ideas you posted on here are really good in having trust between the parents and the teachers. I really like the fact that you do a newsletter which helps the parents understand what their child is learning in the classroom. Parent teacher conference...
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Sat, Feb 25, 2023 1:37 PM in Color Changing Milk Experiment
I think this topic matches with chemistry because the milk interacts with the food coloring and Dawn soap. The milk is poured in a bowl about 1/4 inch then put one drop of food coloring with using blue, red, yellow, and green. The drops of food coloring should be close together but not touching. Next the student will touch the center of the milk with a cotton swab. Then put a drop of Dawn soap on...
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Recent Reviews by Seth
Sat, Mar 04, 2023 12:03 PM
Interesting and Informative
I liked reading this book for a couple of reasons. The first is I think energy and force are interesting topics to learn about. I did not know much Newton's laws before reading this book but I understand them better now. The second was the examples they had in the book were straightforward and able to be understood. The one example I liked was about the car and the speed at which it was going at. The final reason I liked this book was that it had topics which I had never really seen before. I thought this book was helpful and I learned things I did not know before.
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