Thu, May 08, 2014 6:24 PM in reward system?
I find this topic very interesting because there are so many alternatives now a days to the traditional reward system of stickers, candy, and prize boxes. I don't think these methods teach children positive behavior. Kids now a days have outsmarted these systems and in most cases only exhibit the behaviors we want to get the reward. I like the idea of giving table points as a reward for table grou...
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Sat, Mar 15, 2014 10:11 PM in Time Management
I may not have as much knowledge about this topic being that I am a pre-student teacher, but as far as lessons ending too early you can try looking for or researching "sponge activities". These are academically driven activities that soak up extra time you have after a lesson ends early. You don't want your kids to just sit there waiting for recess/lunch when that time could be better spent review...
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Sat, Mar 15, 2014 10:04 PM in Relationships with students
As a pre-student teacher getting a first taste of interactions with students in an academic setting, I can really relate to how you are feeling right now. I didn't begin to develop my background with children until a couple of years ago. I currently work as a preschool teacher and work part-time hours in an after school program so I have vast exposure to a wide range of children. It took me a whil...
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