Sun, May 26, 2019 10:59 PM in Classroom Management Skills
Giving each student a job within their team will help with classroom management and keep the students engaged. Requiring each student to complete a lab report will help make sure that each student is participating in the activity and that one student is completing all the work.
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Sun, May 26, 2019 10:55 PM in Keeping Students Engaged
I think the best way to encorporate hands on activities is to make sure that all the students ar participating. In classrooms I have pbserved, the best approach was giving each student in the group a specific job to complete during the activity. This will help increase engagement and a sense of community, and allow for all members to participate.
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Sun, May 26, 2019 10:41 PM in Engaging Elementary Students
I believe that it is really important to encorporate hands on learning in science classrooms. Students learn best through hands on activities and are more engaged in learning the content. It takes a lot of practice to keep up with the time constraints. The best way to get over this is to plan accordingly. Tke notes from previous hands on lessons that you have given and use those as a giude to hel...
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