Guest Editorial: Inquiry Is Essential
Mon, Oct 17, 2016 9:47 PM
Essential for Teachers!
Just like inquiry is essential in science, this article is essential for teachers! It explains the importance of making your science lessons based on questions that you give your students and questions that they come up with on their own. Something that I have recently learned and was reminded of was that inquiry lessons allow students to be engaged, explore, explain, elaborate and evaluate what they are trying to discover. The article gives great examples of how a question should be worded so it is open-ended and researchable. The chart that is included within the article perfectly represents how much the teacher should or should not be involved in an inquiry lesson depending on what grade they are teaching. The older the students are, the less direction should be given by the teacher. However, the younger the students are, the more guidance the teacher may have to provide. I would recommend this article to anyone needing to get a better understanding of why inquiry is essential to learning.