Mon, Sep 22, 2014 8:08 AM in Unit Plan on Trees
I love your suggestion to how the students can collect different tree parts during their tree walk. That is such a creative and engaging idea. I will definitely write this suggestion down for myself for future references. Thanks!
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Mon, Sep 22, 2014 8:04 AM in Student Teaching
I been student teaching for roughly a year now and the best thing I can suggest to you is having a open communication line with your cooperating teacher. Usually, your school will pair you with a cooperating teacher who has been teaching for a while to help assist you in anyway. If you have questions or concerns talk to him/her, try to be involved as much as you can. Bring a journal take down note...
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Mon, Sep 22, 2014 7:59 AM in We need more time to teach Science
I am a firm believer that all core subjects are equally important for everyone to know. A school or class should not devote more time on one subject than another. I am sorry you are facing such a situation like this. You know I grew up when science was taught from a textbook and just answering questions. But if people can just take time to each it properly and make it engaging just like other subj...
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