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Recent Reviews by Sarah
Nutrition: What is Food?
Sun, Feb 23, 2014 4:18 PM
A (Slightly) Modern Experience in Nutrition
This Object was highly interactive, and self-led, which I appreciated. It reviewed basic knowledge of the body systems and plant and animal systems before giving an overview of the components of good and what the body requires - and why. I appreciated learning more about the specific elements found in food and the function they play in bodies. This object is a modern version to the health classes I took while in middle and high school; it was interesting to see updates such as the greater varieties of grains and dairy. However, the biggest deficiency I found was in the explanation of fats. I found this less reader-friendly and less helpful in terms of good versus bad fats. I had hoped to read more about the issues surrounding hydrogenated fats versus the fats found in whole milk and other pure dairy products like cheese and butter. Overall, a good summation and a good review. I would like to learn more of the topic.
Can We Be Garbage Free?
Tue, Feb 11, 2014 6:14 PM
A Commendable, However Yucky, Demonstration
I appreciated this article for it's elementary level inquiry project, as well as the included format that was both explicit and informative. I especially appreciated the enriching final step to their inquiry, which was involving an "expert." This cafeteria garbage experience was a good example of a basic inquiry that does not involve the teacher holding the results in his or her hands before the experience had even begun.
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