Sat, Jun 24, 2017 10:16 PM in Gifted Learners
With teaching any subject with gifted learners, I like to offer choices. Menu boards are a great solution, and this is not additional work. In science particularly, I challenge my gifted learners to design labs/experiments to go with our concepts. I give them the choice to work alone (which some prefer) or with partners. They may utilize any resources we have in the classroom and/or school (as...
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Sat, Jun 24, 2017 6:13 PM in Weather and Elementary
Great post! Maybe reading picture books about weather and showing pictures online through your projector different pictures of different weather patterns. Also, take them outside and specifically talk about the weather, all throughout the school year. Continually ask them about what weather is happening currently, and require them to have discourse about the weather. Ask them how they feel tod...
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Sat, Jun 24, 2017 5:49 PM in Teaching Science
My mother was a middle school science teacher for many many years; therefore, I had much exposure to science instruction, in many family and personal activities throughout my life. Anywhere we would go, she always pointed out the scientific concept that was being demonstrated before our eyes. However, I think I grew tired of this, and I began to gain interest in other subjects. Fast-forward my ...
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