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Recent Reviews by Kayla
Dress for the Weather
Fri, Dec 08, 2017 11:52 AM
Article review
This article gave me a lot of insight about the different components that I should touch upon in my science teaching unit. I was able to incorporate and learn different ways to exercise activities that will benefit the students in their learning. For example, including personal experiences, touching upon important vocabulary terms and definitions, participating and teaching through hands-on activities and riding questions. I found it very helpful that discussions points were touched on and there were visuals of pictures and charts for me to learn from. Even though there were some points that I am not including in my lesson such as, location, climate and data, it made me think more about the different ways that these topics can be brought up in a discussion briefly so that students hear these words and can make connections. Overall, I found this article to be helpful in preparing my science learning unit and I would recommend it to other teachers preparing a weather unit.
Dress for the Weather
Fri, Dec 08, 2017 11:52 AM
Article review
This article gave me a lot of insight about the different components that I should touch upon in my science teaching unit. I was able to incorporate and learn different ways to exercise activities that will benefit the students in their learning. For example, including personal experiences, touching upon important vocabulary terms and definitions, participating and teaching through hands-on activities and riding questions. I found it very helpful that discussions points were touched on and there were visuals of pictures and charts for me to learn from. Even though there were some points that I am not including in my lesson such as, location, climate and data, it made me think more about the different ways that these topics can be brought up in a discussion briefly so that students hear these words and can make connections. Overall, I found this article to be helpful in preparing my science learning unit and I would recommend it to other teachers preparing a weather unit.
Dress for the Weather
Fri, Dec 08, 2017 11:52 AM
Article review
This article gave me a lot of insight about the different components that I should touch upon in my science teaching unit. I was able to incorporate and learn different ways to exercise activities that will benefit the students in their learning. For example, including personal experiences, touching upon important vocabulary terms and definitions, participating and teaching through hands-on activities and riding questions. I found it very helpful that discussions points were touched on and there were visuals of pictures and charts for me to learn from. Even though there were some points that I am not including in my lesson such as, location, climate and data, it made me think more about the different ways that these topics can be brought up in a discussion briefly so that students hear these words and can make connections. Overall, I found this article to be helpful in preparing my science learning unit and I would recommend it to other teachers preparing a weather unit.
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