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Recent Reviews by Sarah
Fri, Apr 23, 2010 1:49 PM
A very useful resource
This is an excellent resource, especially for the beginning teacher. The book chapter starts out with a good assessment probe and has an accompanying explanation. The explanation provides some background knowledge that is extremely helpful. The instructional considerations section also is very useful. It goes over what the emphasis at different grades should be as well as what concepts will be out of reach for the students. The concepts that are out of reach would be good resources to develop for those students with higher level thinking as a way to differentiate instruction. In addition to the emphasis at the different grade levels, the chapter goes over what ideas and concepts should be focused on and how to build on knowledge. One area discussing the nine planets is outdated, but it doesn’t affect the overall chapter or ideas presented. It would have been nice if the chapter included sample lesson plans and assessment ideas. However the resource as a whole is very useful and clearly presented.
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