Mon, Nov 30, 2020 2:26 PM
Interdependence of Life E-Book - Great resource!
As a pre-service teacher getting ready to start my student teaching experience in the Spring, I was really impressed to find an interactive E-Book that provided me with a more concrete understanding of the interdependence of life. In writing a recent lesson plan on animal adaptations for the third grade class I had been observing this semester, I found this E-Book to be highly beneficial in strengthening the connections that I had previously built regarding the content found within this interactive learning experience. I was able to use this resource to refresh and rebuild connections from years past, in order to create a successful lesson plan for teaching this topic to young students. This was a fantastic resource for doing so, as this interactive learning experience was beneficial in the process of preparation for creating my lesson plan. This E-Book goes beyond surface-level coverage of the key ideas of this topic, the subtopics included, and the connections between differing aspects of the interdependence of life. Along with the in-depth discussion of each subtopic, this resource provided a variety of interactive activities and experiences in order to enhance the learning process. Among those included in this E-Book, there were videos, animations, images, interactive simulations, and assessment checks throughout the learning experience to maintain engagement, as well as to check for understanding. I would strongly recommend this interactive E-Book to anyone looking to do any of the following: enhance their personal knowledge regarding a variety of subtopics regarding the interdependence of life, refresh or check their knowledge of this topic, achieve mastery of the content as an educator, or for personal academic development. This resource is one that is accessible to any and all educators, and is multifaceted in both its nature and its accompanying benefits.