Adam Equipment - October 2024
  • Equanda Wearing

    Equanda Wearing
    Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Trinity AME Church, and The Pee Dee Community Project

My NSTA / Peers / Equanda Wearing

Well rounded graduate scholar with a drive and passion to provide a service to all mankind. I am currently working as an Administrative Aid at a local middle school, while pursuing my Masters in Education in Teaching and Learning from Voorhees University. My yearly goal is to become a certified middle level science educator. Ultimately, becoming a school principal. My leadership, work ethic, adaptability and compassion skills have allowed me to transition from the Executive Store Manager role in retail to the educational realm successfully. I desire to use this platform to allow me to connect with other educators in my field that will increase my knowledge while developing new challenges. I now present to you and introduce to others the Educator, the Motivator, the Innovator, affectionately known by my students as Miss Wearing.

Facebook M Wearing



Forum Posts 5 Public Collections 5 Reviews 0

Activity Points

This month 0 This year 0 All Time 590

Badges Earned
Onyx Commenter NSTA Resource Activator NSTA Resource Optimizer NSTA Resource Accelerator Onyx NSTA 75th Anniversary
Pearl NSTA 75th Anniversary Ruby NSTA 75th Anniversary