Sun, Sep 18, 2022 4:03 PM in FREE Force and Motion Kit
Thank you for sharing this post. I has provided some great ideas of things that I can do with my students. I am a middle level educator, but this is still relevant for my students too. Please continue to share for the new educators, like myself that are just getting onto NSTA.
Ms. Wearing
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Sun, Sep 18, 2022 3:54 PM in Fun with Force and Motion
I know that this may be a long shot, but I truly enjoyed watching your presentation and have made it a part of my library for future reference. I am interested in knowing if you have any other material that you would be willing to share with an aspiring science and STEAM educator? Even if you have an URL or a web address, anything would be helpful and I would be eternally grateful....
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Sun, Aug 21, 2022 7:18 PM in Force and Motion in the Classroom
Hi, my name is Equanda Wearing and I am a graduate student working on my Master's in Teaching and Learning, while receiving my certification in Middle Level Science. I have created a 5 day unit plan on how force and motion affect under privileged young females at my school with the breakage of their cell phones. Once this unit plan is completed, I am curious about, What would be t...
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