Sat, May 16, 2020 12:59 PM in How to Start Off as a Teacher
I have went through this working as a substitute. It is very hard to work under teachers who are much older than you, older, more "seasoned" per say. I had to break through my lack of confidence and know that I am smart enough to do what I need to do and teach my students. I am working in elementary so I have not had the experience with high schoolers, but I have also worked in middle s...
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Sat, May 16, 2020 1:44 AM in Outdoor Activities
The study of pollination is a great activity to do outdoors with students! I think it would be great to introduce the topic to the students in the classroom, then take them outside to show them where and how it happens. You could also include a scavengar hunt that would include looking for things related to the topic. Then, take the students into the classroom to do their own hands-on, minds-on a...
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Sat, May 16, 2020 1:38 AM in Science in Kindergarten: What Does It Look like, Sounds like?
The book, "What Would You Do with a Tail LIke this?" is a great way to incorporate science into the kindergarten classroom. I just recently designed a lesson that was inquiry based and in the 5E format that went right along with it. My lesson was for first grade, but can easily be transitioned to fit kindergarten. The book is fun and informational, and there are so many great activities...
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