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- Public Collections
Recent Public Collections by Ashley
EDUC404: Final Project Collection
This collection is composed of 12
resources that cumulatively provide
a strong foundation for making
middle school science relevant to
students lives in an equitable manner. These resources include Daily Do's regarding COVID and vaccines which can be discussed from various stakeholder's perspectives and science-packs to
aid the educator with appropriate and sufficient background knowledge prior to teaching the topic.
18 Resources
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Climate Change
The sources, include lesson ideas that relate to students lives and the world such as how the pandemic can help decrease the C02 in the atmosphere and how climate change affects oysters and another discusses the effects on weather. Some resources give background knowledge that can be used for education and planning lessons. One also talks about how to hold a discussion regarding climate change. It is important to use this background knowledge and make it relevant to students lives when teaching/discussing climate change in the classroom - or even outside of the classroom.
18 Resources
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- Forum Posts
Recent Posts by Ashley
Wed, Dec 02, 2020 2:21 PM in Distance Learning Problems
This is like the crystal ball question that nobody knows the correct answer to, especially because it changes per student and classroom and home setting. Students should not be penalized for not having access to materials, in fact the teacher should not be planning lessons that require students to have anything more than the school provides. I just finished student teaching in a low-socioeconomic...
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Wed, Dec 02, 2020 2:11 PM in NSTA Daily Do!
As a student teacher who experienced my first practicum in an online setting, these Daily Do's were a great way to get student's engaged in relevant phenommena! Whether an educator uses the whole daily do as part of a lesson or just takes a phenommena with some components of the Daily Do when lesson planning, they are quite helpful! It is difficult to engage students through distant learn...
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- Reviews
Recent Reviews by Ashley
Mon, Nov 30, 2020 3:44 PM
Resources and Human Impact E-Book Review
I am a teacher candidate studying to become a middle school science teacher and I can confidently say that after reading this E-book, I can clearly see how it is relevant to student's lives thereby increasing their motivation. It is important for educator's to have a strong foundation of the background information prior to teaching it to their students and writing lesson plans. I love how this book gave examples of how human actions can affect the environment and it builds on common misconceptions many students hold. The assessments through out the E-book keep the reader engaged and on their toes while increasing the reader's practice and testing their comprehension of the material. The book also includes many graphics and visuals that can be used by educators in their lesson plans for students who are visual learners or need scaffolding. Many ideas from this E-book can be used to create lesson plans that align with the state standards and even aid in teaching students the nature of science through phenomena.
Mon, Nov 30, 2020 3:27 PM
Eliciting Student's Background Knowledge
Research suggests that for students to fully comprehend new ideas they must bridge their pre-existing knowledge with the new information. Therefore teacher's should be aware of students preformed opinions going into a class discussion regarding ethical issues. It may be beneficial for an educator to use this resource to ensure a successful and equitable scientific discussion in class around phenomena and SSI's. By having students explore the perspective of various stakeholders, students will learn how to make scientific ethical decisions enabling them to better comprehend the complex nature of science while becoming an active and responsible citizen. In this resource alone, educators will benefit from fantastic lesson plans, a decision-making model that will act as a visual aid for learners, and experience with ethical perspectives. This article will allow any educator to align the science standards with the ethical implications of teaching science in a classroom.
Mon, Nov 30, 2020 3:27 PM
Eliciting Student's Background Knowledge
Research suggests that for students to fully comprehend new ideas they must bridge their pre-existing knowledge with the new information. Therefore teacher's should be aware of students preformed opinions going into a class discussion regarding ethical issues. It may be beneficial for an educator to use this resource to ensure a successful and equitable scientific discussion in class around phenomena and SSI's. By having students explore the perspective of various stakeholders, students will learn how to make scientific ethical decisions enabling them to better comprehend the complex nature of science while becoming an active and responsible citizen. In this resource alone, educators will benefit from fantastic lesson plans, a decision-making model that will act as a visual aid for learners, and experience with ethical perspectives. This article will allow any educator to align the science standards with the ethical implications of teaching science in a classroom.
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