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Recent Reviews by Kayla
Sun, Dec 08, 2019 5:05 PM
Methods and Strategies
I thought that this article did a great job providing ideas on way to help students navigate design failure. The article touched on methods teachers can use to try and push students to work on their own. It also touched on different strategies students can use. The article included a table that would help the students explain their process they are using as well as their actions they were using. This would allow students to stay organized as well as allow them to know what they are wanting to do and how they want to do them. Another table that can be used is a student responses table. Their positive and negative thoughts can be put into a table to discuss their thoughts on the idea, their emotions, how they felt about the task.
Sun, Dec 08, 2019 5:01 PM
Teaching Teachers
This article did a great job changing perceptions and attitudes towards the teaching as well as the learning of physical science. The topic of physics can be a hard areas to teach as well as learn as a student. This article did a great job providing strategies to include or implement in the classroom. The article also gave sample assessments that could be used. I thought this article did a great job explaining different ways to involve fun activities to use with students.
Sun, Dec 08, 2019 4:55 PM
Science 101
I thought that this journal was a great way to explain forces to students of all grades. It did a great job explaining how to implement forces into younger grades, like Kindergarten. This journal gave examples on how to implement ideas of force into the classroom for students. The journal gave a good amount of ideas on what to do with the students in the classroom. It gave many different ideas of the different forces. Some ideas included using magnets, apples, rubber bands, to name a few.
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