Hi I'm Khrystal. I am currently working on my BA in Elementary Education. I will finally be graduating Fall 2016. Hopefully, I will get any position in any school even if it is just substituting. Children are my passion and the fact that I haven't been in a child related environment at work for about 5 years irks me. Since I graduated I had many responsibilities and have always needed a job in order to pay for my car, insurance, phone, bills, and rent. As a result I left the YMCA (which I loved) and went to work for more pay entering data at my current job...it's been almost 5years now. But, there I was able to continue my schooling because they are so lenient with my work schedule. Luckily, there I met my fiancé, moved in with him, had a baby after 3 years, and now I am aiming for my childhood dream of becoming a teacher. I am eager to enhance my science skills in order to make science interesting and allow topics to flow from subject to subject in my classroom setting.
P.S. I kn
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Mon, Dec 08, 2014 11:17 PM in We need more time to teach Science
I agree with your idea 100%. As a future educator I believe we as teachers are responsible for teaching every subject thoroughly. I am not saying to neglect all the other subject and just focus on science. But, I am saying stop emphasizing the importance of reading and math only. Every subject is crucial to be knowledgeable in it. Especially with all of the extra FCAT, the students will need to kn...
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Moon Phases and Models
Mon, Nov 30, 2015 12:20 AM
Moon Phases Idea
I decided to look into interesting ways to teach students about the moon phases. This way they can actually understand it. Because of the simple reason that even I had a hard time grasping the angles the reason behind the different phases. With this Lesson plan I was able to read in depth the strategies that will take place when teaching about the moon phases and how it all connects. After reading the lesson plan it became clearer. Having the steps as to what you will teach and ho you will teach it helps clarify on the teachers end any misunderstandings. As teachers we must use our misinterpretations as an advantage in the sense that maybe your students are just as confused. This way us teachers can clear up any misunderstandings for every one. By incorporating this lesson plan will definitely benefit everyone.
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