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Recent Reviews by Bonnie
Rocks: Categories by Process
Sun, Mar 01, 2015 9:02 PM
improved understanding
After taking this mini course, I realized that my knowledge of rock was more limited than I had realized. By reminding students that mountains and cliff faces are also "rocks". The pieces of rocks that can be found are considered samples of the larger form. Knowing the age of different types of rocks is important when determining whether a bone could have come from a dinosaur.
Science Conversations for Young Learners
Sun, Mar 01, 2015 8:10 PM
Kinders need more guidence
I enjoyed this article. I teach K/1 where conversations among students generally go fairly well. While there might be some silliness taking place, usually at least one of the students stays on topic. Sounds like this is more tricky in a room full of kindergarteners. Using an object for students to pass when they are talking helped.
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