Sat, Mar 20, 2021 10:04 PM in New to Elementary Ed Science
I think that specifics would depend on what grade level you end up teaching. I have found that the Sci-Packs offered here on the nsta site are great resources for a refresher on specific topics. Some will offer more information than you might need but it is great information. Also, I recommend seeking out the curriculum that you are going to teach and researching specific topics thorugh...
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Sat, Mar 20, 2021 11:44 AM in Distanced Learning and Student Motivation
I teach 7th grade science. This is my first year in middle school and am loving it. I start each class off with a topic of conversation just to get the students talking and laughing. They come into the zoom or classroom asking what is the topic today? It can be anything from what is your favorite cereal to who inspires you the most. I allow students to suggest topics that we can choose ...
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Tue, Jul 25, 2017 9:25 PM in Project Based Learning in Fifth Grade Science Classroom
Okay, I've got it now. I like the engineering idea better also. I think they will do more good and get more out of it trying to solve a problem more than bringing awareness to one. Awesome!! I really would love to hear how it turns out. Thank you for answering my questions!
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