• Kimberly Armstrong

    Kimberly Armstrong

My NSTA / Peers / Kimberly Armstrong

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  • Public Collections
  • Recent Public Collections by Kimberly

    Kimberly Armstrong: "Being Scientific"

    Ideas for differentiated instruction within the classroom that give teachers insight on how to manage a classroom without "managing the student's learning". Classroom management is a strategy that alot of teachers struggle to master and facilitate effective learning. These three collections of journal articles and book chapter provide valuable insight on how to manage a classroom, facilitate student investigations and use technology to explore a subject that they struggle to find accessible and fun.

    4 Resources

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    Kimberly Armstrong: "Science As It Should Be..."

    What do you know about the nature of science? What do you think about technology? "How would you combine nature and technology? Did you know that there is power in science? Learning about how we exist in the world and how our existence affects others and nature is something that should be taught effectively within each and every classroom. Students by nature, are inquisitive and the nature of science is about knowing. In the NSTA Preamble it states that "all those involved with science teaching and learning should have a common, accurate view of the nature of science." Do you agree? Disagree? Let's see..

    3 Resources

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    View all public collections by Kimberly

  • Forum Posts
  • Reviews

Forum Posts 11 Public Collections 3 Reviews 7

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