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Thu, Apr 23, 2015 5:34 PM in Weather and Elementary
Hello, You can teach them about the weather by creating a classroom visual. Every morning you can go over how the weather looks outside and your students can help you by describing the weather. For example it's "sunny" "cloudy" "raining" "cold" "hot" etc. You can also create a fun worksheet with the days of the week and have them observe the weather every day for two weeks. They can take this wo...
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Thu, Apr 23, 2015 5:23 PM in Outdoor Activities
A fun and engaging outdoor activity that can be done with students is a nature walk. You can take them around the school's garden and teach them about living and nonliving things. They can use their 5 senses to observe and write their observations down in their journals. You can also go outside and look for different types of leaves and create a classroom chart of different leaves. Young children...
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Recent Reviews by Maria
Emily Rothenberg's Collection
Sat, Apr 25, 2015 4:24 PM
Excellent Collection about Parts of a Plant
I really enjoyed this collection. I thought it was very well put together. The collection is about Parts of a Plant. I feel that Emily did an excellent job gathering different journal articles and book chapters. This collection has four different journal articles. The first one “Assessing Students Ideas about Plants” has a variety of questions which is a great way to gather information about your students and their ideas related to plants. It also has a lot of different pictures of plants and their needs that will help grab the children’s attention, which is great. The second journal article “Discovering Flowers in a New Light” is about an inquiry lesson that focuses on students using a digital microscope to explore the many parts of a flower. The third journal article “Poetry of Plants” has engaging activities that uses Language Arts along with science to teach children about plants and their life cycles. Finally, the fourth journal article “Planting before winter” is based on an activity that teaches children about seasonal changes and the environmental needs of a plant. Aside from all of these wonderful journal articles, this collection also has three chapter books. The first chapter book is called “Plants”. It has many different engaging lessons about plants and their importance. This chapter book is sure to help students to explore and to make careful observations. The second chapter book “How Does a Plant Grow” is a fun engaging book about plants. It focuses on how they grow, their important role on Earth and why and how they change. The final book chapter “Who Uses Soil” is about soil and what happens to it when natural events occur. Overall, I think Emily Rothenberg did a great job putting together a collection that will help her students gain the necessary knowledge about Parts of a Plant.
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