Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:24 AM in The Flipped Classroom
I am wondering if the "flipped classroom" idea could possibly work in an elementary school setting, and be used to teach not only science, but the other subjects as well. Would it also help students perform better on standardized testing?
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Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:24 AM in The Flipped Classroom
Kayla, I like the idea of letting the parents know in a letter about "flipped classroom", how it works, and benefits of using it. I am curious to see how it works so that I can one day use it in my classroom when I become a teacher.
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Sat, Mar 17, 2012 12:31 AM in Why are teachers afraid to release control of inquiry science to their elementary students?
I agree with the ideas previously posted about how the class can get out of control and not stay on task or students will play with the materials; however, students do need the freedom to explore and discover things. The class becomes more out of control if they are required to sit there and do book work all day because they get bored. It is time for teachers to let their students explore, but a...
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