Engineering for All
Thu, Mar 31, 2016 4:48 PM
Building A "Stem-ified" Classroom
Building a "stem-ified" school is not an easy process; however, in the article, Engineering for All, teachers are able to walk their students through the process. As an educator, the idea of (STEM) can feel like one more added tasks to our do list. But, the authors believe that all learners can participate in "engineering" as a part of the learning process. STEM is often defined by people as a project and/or career. Yet, it is the process that we go through shifts our mindset. These processes include ask, imagine, plan, create, and revise. These skills are essential for student to grasp the ideas engineering. More than that, engineering is a skill that all students can participate in. Historically, cool projects and tasks were reserved for "gifted" and on grade-level students. So, I enjoyed reading how these teachers incorporated engineering (STEM process) in the class where all students could participate. Great Read!!!