Tue, Mar 31, 2015 8:51 PM in Student Teachers and Science
Hey Brittany! I'm glad that you brought up this question. I agree with you that Science is not being taught in the classroom to its' full potential. In my placement, I see teachers spending a maximum of maybe thirty minutes on the content and I do not think that is ideal. The times that I did see the science lessons being successful was when my CT turned the lesson into a big discussion group for ...
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Sun, Mar 01, 2015 9:16 PM in Ipads and other technology
I believe that technology can really benefit students' learning, especially in today's generation. There are so many websites and resources that technology provides to give children advanced education that they need. Also, I think kids need to be exposed and be familiar with technology because it is all around us! This is not something you can avoid. However, I do also believe that too much techno...
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Sun, Mar 01, 2015 9:05 PM in We need more time to teach Science
I am really glad that someone brought this up as a topic because I completely agree-we need to incorporate more time for science lessons! Right now, I am currently student teaching a fifth grade math and science class and I notice everyday that we do not get to spend enough time on the content. My cooperating teacher only gets to spend 30 minutes teaching science because math takes up most of his ...
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