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Recent Reviews by Emily
Tue, Nov 12, 2019 3:30 PM
It's Electric!
Love the idea of working towards a light bulb moment for students! It is key catering to their curiosity and allowing them to explore science and motivating them to learn. This resource does a great job of illuminating (pun intended) the importance of the pre and post-assessment. I found the flexible grouping so important for tiered learning. It also touched on ELL learners and making accommodations for struggling students.
Tue, Nov 12, 2019 3:18 PM
Real Life Application!!
This resource is amazing for students to take on an active role and become an advocate for coral reef. The resources within this are amazing and you can tell that she took the time to ensure they related and were vital to the success of students without giving any fluff. It is flexible with self-pacing which is a necessity in classrooms since Science is often pushed to the side. Following analyzing this resource I feel better about teaching students the huge impact that our coral reefs have on our world.
Tue, Nov 12, 2019 3:13 PM
Super fun & engaging!
I love the connection this has to student's interests! I really enjoyed the week-long objectives. This allows me to be flexible with allowing students to truly drive into nitty-gritty learning and curiosity. I've worked with the claim and evidence format before, and students love it and so do I! It is very clear the plethora of S&EP, DCI, CC these meet. It also detailed out the classroom connections so students can know how they are applying the knowledge as well!
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