Tue, Apr 21, 2020 1:47 PM in Sustainability in schools
hello, I am a graduating senior studying Elementary Education. I have seen some great sustainable projects that schools can do to benefit the entire school as well as science concepts. One idea is to create a school butterfly garden. Each grade can be responsible for one section of the garden, you can use the compost as soil to save money. Students can grow larva in their classrooms and observe t...
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Tue, Apr 21, 2020 1:40 PM in Physics Songs
integrating music into science is a great idea to make science fun, engaging as well as help students remember things that require memorization. Some science lessons that incorporate music into an activity can also get the students moving in the middle of the day. This is especially beneficial for younger students. One way that the teacher can design an active music lesson is by listening to the ...
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Tue, Apr 21, 2020 1:34 PM in Teaching about animal care
I think having a class pet can be helpful when teaching students about natural life and how to care for animals or other living things. some students may have allergies it might be best to have an aquatic animal or reptile as a class pet. this might also be ideal because they are less common pets so the students could interact with something they might not have seen before and probably don't ...
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