Mon, Oct 14, 2019 11:31 PM in The 5E lesson plan
I am a preservice teacher for kindergarteners, I am struggling with creating a lesson plan that has all 5 Es in it. While also keeping it simple enough for them to udnerstand what is going on. I know I can create a lesson with a couple of the Es but all 5 is hard for me. I am not there all week long so I dont see how my mentor does all 5Es I only see them Wednesdays and Thursdays so it makes it h...
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Mon, Oct 14, 2019 11:24 PM in Science Assessments for ELL students
Hi Rebeca, I am currently a pre service teacher but I am enrolled this semester actually in a class all about ELL students and how to teach them. I also have a couple students this year that are ELLs and I think giving them an assessment different from other students makes it harder for them to scoialize between peers. It may also make them feel pointed out. I think the best way to do assessments...
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Mon, Oct 14, 2019 11:13 PM in clasrrom management
Hey Lucero, I normally give them a super strict time limit and then a reward after finishing up. This causes them to focus harder on the task being given so they are able to ge to the reward. The reward does not have to be somehting big or anything out of the ordinary. I normally go with when you finish you are able to play with the legos in the classroom so they are able to keep focus on the tas...
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