Tue, Nov 10, 2020 10:32 PM in STEM in the Classroom
Hi Destini!
I am Paige Morrison and I am currently a pre-service teacher at Wartburg College in Iowa. I really enjoyed reading the ways that you would implement STEM into your classroom. I think incorporating the weather and asking students to check or observe the weather before school each morning would provide a great discussion opportunity at the beginning of each day. As students are makin...
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Tue, Nov 03, 2020 12:08 PM in Believe in all students
Hi Chandler!
I am Paige Morrison and I am studying Elementary Education at Wartburg College in Iowa. I understand that believing in all students can be a challenging task, but a way to ensure that we are correcting our mindsets and using our experiences to do so is to set reminders for yourself. Because I am a preservice teacher, I have not had my own class to try this out in. However, I have ...
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Tue, Nov 03, 2020 12:00 PM in Future Teachers
Hi Mia!
I am Paige Morrison and I am studying Elementary Education at Wartburg College in Iowa. I think that this question is so important to have answered and I think that there's a wide range of answers that can go along with this. The first thing I thought of is to make things hands-on, minds-on. We need to allow students to make connections while doing, instead of simply listening to l...
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