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Sun, Oct 02, 2011 11:43 PM in Science Songs
As a future teacher, I am often asked to create a lesson plan with various learning style alternatives. When I saw your post about songs, I immediately noticed that through my classes, I have often neglected those who are musical learners. Various types of music are introduced as such a young age now, often times when the child is still a fetus, that I feel music has become second nature to most s...
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- Reviews
Recent Reviews by Megan
Guest Editorial: Minds, Models, and Maps
Sun, Oct 09, 2011 2:18 PM
Great in class article!
This article is great for in class use. Not only could you share this article with your students but it shows you (the teacher) ways in which to incorporate models, maps, and illustrations with in your lesson plan. This is a short, easy read that provides a lot of information, information that is great for understanding how models are useful tools for learning
Earth and Space Science
Sun, Oct 09, 2011 2:03 PM
This is a great resource for easily understanding science standards. I really enjoy the step by step instructions for how to implement activities, group work, etc into your lesson plans. As well, it also helps you collect information on what your students previously know and have knowledge in. This is a great tool to help teachers who might be unfamiliar in science teaching.
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